FlexScan3D User Manual - Version 3.3.4.x

You are here: API/SDK and Automation > Rotary Plugin Module > Rotary Protocol

Rotary Protocol

General Rotary Communication Protocol

All commands sent to the rotary table use a simple character format, including the motor numbers. Parts in commands marked as xxx are passed to the table as byte data. For example, if you want table 1 to rotate 4 steps, instead of passing "I1M004" you pass "I1M" + (char)0 + (char)0 + (char)4

In general all commands get a reply in the form of ^XXXXXX.



Request the status of the rotary table. Usual reply would be ^R1R2R3R4 indicating rotary 1 ready, rotary 2 ready, etc. ^B1xxxR2R3R4 means rotary 1 is busy where xxx are 3 bytes indicates how many steps the rotary still has to perform.


Sets the speed of the motor m to xxx, where xxx is a 3 bytes of data indicating the speed. Example code: port.Write("S1M" + (char)0 + (char)6 + (char)255); // set motor 1 to speed 1791. The standard speed range of our rotary table is: 0x000001 to 0x0012FF (1 to 4863). Controller will respond with ^mxx mirroring the motor number and 2 last bytes of speed setting.


Turns motor m xxx number of steps. Controller will acknowledge with ^Bmxxx.


Set motor number m to rotate clockwise. Each consecutive command to rotate the motor m will rotate it clockwise.


Sets rotary m to rotate counterclockwise.


Rotary m stop.

Rotary Sample Command Sequence

Motor numbers are passed as characters but the number of steps and speed are passed as 3 bytes of binary for simplicity.

send: V reply: ^R1R2R3R4

send: S1M1791 reply: ^191

sned: D1CWLO reply: ^

send: I1M100 reply: ^B1100




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