Digital0 and Digital1

The Digital0 and Digital1 elements define settings for a sensor's two digital outputs.

Digital0 and Digital1 Child Elements
Element Type Description
Digital0.used Boolean Indicates if the output is available on the sensor.
Event 32s

Triggering event:

0 – None (disabled)

1 – Measurements

2 – Software

3 – Alignment state

4 – Acquisition start

5 – Acquisition end

SignalType 32s

Signal type:

0 – Pulse

1 – Continuous

ScheduleEnabled Bool Enables scheduling.
PulseWidth 64f Pulse width (µs).
PulseWidth.min 64f Minimum pulse width (µs).
PulseWidth.max 64f Maximum pulse width (µs).
PassMode 32s

Measurement pass condition:

0 – AND of measurements is true

1 – AND of measurements is false

2 – Always assert

Delay 64f Output delay (µs or mm, depending on delay domain defined below).
DelayDomain 32s

Output delay domain:

0 – Time (µs)

1 – Encoder (mm)

Inverted Bool Whether the sent bits are flipped.
Measurements 32u (CSV) Selected measurement sources.
Measurements.options 32u (CSV) List of available measurement sources.