
The Output element contains the following sub-elements: Ethernet, Serial, Analog, Digital0, and Digital1. Each of these sub-elements defines the output settings for a different type of output.

For all sub-elements, the source identifiers used for measurement outputs correspond to the measurement identifiers defined in each tool's Measurements element. For example, in the following XML, in the options attribute of the Measurements element, 2 and 3 are the identifiers of measurements that are enabled and available for output. The value of the Measurements element (that is, 2) means that only the measurement with id 2 (Profile Dimension Width) will be sent to output.


<ProfileDimension>   ...


    <Width id="2">   ...

    <Height id="3">   ...



  <Ethernet>     ...

    <Measurements options="2,3">2</Measurements>