
The Alignment element contains settings related to alignment and encoder calibration.

Alignment Child Elements
Element Type Description
@used Bool Whether or not this field is used
InputTriggerEnabled Bool Enables digital input-triggered alignment operation.
InputTriggerEnabled.used Bool Whether or not this feature can be enabled. This feature is available only on some sensor models.
InputTriggerEnabled.value Bool Actual feature status.
Type 32s

Type of alignment operation:

0 – Stationary

1 – Moving

Type.options 32s (CSV) List of available alignment types.
StationaryTarget 32s

Stationary alignment target:

0 – None

1 – Disk

2 – Bar

3 – Plate

StationaryTarget.options 32s (CSV) List of available stationary alignment targets.
MovingTarget 32s

Moving alignment target:

1 – Disk

2 – Bar

MovingTarget.options 32s (CSV) List of available moving alignment targets.
EncoderCalibrateEnabled Bool Enables encoder resolution calibration.



See Disk.



See Bar.



See Plate.

Polygon Section

See Polygon.


Disk Child Elements
Element Type Description
Diameter 64f Disk diameter (mm).
Height 64f Disk height (mm).


Bar Child Elements
Element Type Description
Width 64f Bar width (mm).
Height 64f Bar height (mm).
HoleCount 32u Number of holes.
HoleCount.value 32u

Actual number of holes expected by system.

HoleCount.used Bool

Whether the hole count with be used in the bar alignment proceudure.

HoleDistance 64f Distance between holes (mm).
HoleDistance.used Bool Whether the hole distance will be used in the bar alignment procedure.
HoleDiameter 64f Diameter of holes (mm).
HoleDiameter.used Bool Whether the hold diameter will be used in the bar alignment procedure.
DegreesOfFreedom 32s

Degrees of freedom (DOF) to align:

42 – 3 DOF: x, z, y angle

58 – 4 DOF: x, y, z, y angle

59 – 5 DOF: x, y, z, y angle, z angle


Plate Child Elements
Element Type Description
Height 64f Plate height (mm).
HoleCount 32u Number of holes.
RefHoleDiameter 64f Diameter of reference hole (mm).
SecHoleDiameter 64f Diameter of secondary hole(s) (mm).


Polygon Child Elements
Element Type Description
Corners List Contains a list of Corners (described below).
Corners.minCount 32s Minimum number of corners.


Corner Child Elements
Element Type Description
X 64f X Position
Y 64f Y Position
Devices List of 32u List of devices this corner is assigned to.
Devices.options List of 32u List of valid options for this field.