
PartDetection Child Elements
Element Type Description
Enabled Bool Enables part detection.
Enabled.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
Enabled value Bool Actual value used if not configurable.
MinArea 64f Minimum area (mm2).
MinArea.min 64f Minimum value of minimum area.
MinArea.max 64f Maximum value of minimum area.
MinArea.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
GapWidth 64f Gap width (mm).
GapWidth.min 64f Minimum gap width (mm).
GapWidth.max 64f Maximum gap width (mm).
GapWidth.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
GapLength 64f Gap length (mm).
GapLength.min 64f Minimum gap length (mm).
GapLength.max 64f Maximum gap length (mm).
GapLength.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
PaddingWidth 64f Padding width (mm).
PaddingWidth.min 64f Minimum padding width (mm).
PaddingWidth.max 64f Maximum padding width (mm).
PaddingWidth.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
PaddingLength 64f Padding length (mm).
PaddingLength.min 64f Minimum padding length (mm).
PaddingLength.max 64f Maximum padding length (mm).
PaddingLength.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
MinLength 64f Minimum length (mm).
MinLength.min 64f Minimum value of minimum length (mm).
MinLength.max 64f Maximum value of minimum length (mm).
MinLength.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
MaxLength 64f Maximum length (mm).
MaxLength.min 64f Minimum value of maximum length (mm).
MaxLength.max 64f Maximum value of maximum length (mm).
MaxLength.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
Threshold 64f Height threshold (mm).
Threshold.min 64f Minimum height threshold (mm).
Threshold.max 64f Maximum height threshold (mm).
ThresholdDirection 32u

Threshold direction:

0 – Above

1 – Below

FrameOfReference 32s

Part frame of reference:

0 – Sensor

1 – Scan

2 – Part

FrameOfReference.used Bool Whether or not this field is used.
FrameOfReference.value 32s Actual value.
IncludeSinglePointsEnabled Bool Enables preservation of single data points in Top+Bottom layout
IncludeSinglePointsEnabled.used Bool Whether or nto this field is available to be modified



See EdgeFiltering.


EdgeFiltering Child Elements
Element Type Description
@used Bool Whether or not this section is used.
Enabled Bool Enables edge filtering.
PreserveInteriorEnabled Bool Enables preservation of interior.
ElementWidth 64f Element width (mm).
ElementWidth.min 64f Minimum element width (mm).
ElementWidth.max 64f Maximum element width (mm).
ElementLength 64f Element length (mm).
ElementLength.min 64f Minimum element length (mm).
ElementLength.max 64f Maximum element length (mm).