
The SurfaceGeneration element contains settings related to surface generation.

SurfaceGeneration Child Elements
Element Type Description
Type 32s

Surface generation type:

0 – Continuous

1 – Fixed length

2 – Variable length

3 – Rotational

Type.options 32s (CSV) List of available generation types
Type.value 32s Value in use by the sensor
FixedLength Section

See FixedLength.

VariableLength Section

See VariableLength.

Rotational Section

See Rotational.


FixedLength Child Elements
Element Type Description
StartTrigger 32s

Start trigger condition:

0 – Sequential

1 – Digital input

2 – Software triggered

ExternalInputIndex 32s

Index of external input when Source (above) is set to 1 – Digital Input and connected to a Master.

0 – first digital input

1 – second digital input

2 – third digital input

3 – fourth digital input

ExternalInputIndex.options 32s (CSV) List of available external input indices.
ExternalInputIndex.used Bool Is the external input index in use.
Length 64f

Surface length (mm).

Length.min 64f

Minimum surface length (mm).

Length.max 64f

Maximum surface length (mm).


VariableLength Child Elements
Element Type Description
MaxLength 64f Maximum surface length (mm).
MaxLength.min 64f

Minimum value for maximum surface length (mm).

MaxLength.max 64f

Maximum value for maximum surface length (mm).


Rotational Child Elements
Element Type Description
Circumference 64f Circumference (mm).
Circumference.min 64f Minimum circumference (mm).
Circumference.max 64f Maximum circumference (mm).