
SurfaceSections Child Elements
Element Type Description
@used Bool Whether surface sectioning is enabled.
@xMin 64f The minimum valid X value to be used for section definition.
@xMax 64f The maximum valid X value to be used for section definition.
@yMin 64f The minimum valid Y value to be used for section definition.
@yMax 64f The maximum valid Y value to be used for section definition.
Section Collection

A series of Section elements.

Section Child Elements
Element Type Description
@id 32s The ID assigned to the surface section.
@name String The name associated with the surface section.
StartPoint Point64f The beginning point of the surface section.
EndPoint Point64f The end point of the surface section.
CustomSpacingIntervalEnabled Bool Indicates whether a user specified custom spacing interval is to be used for the resulting section.
SpacingInterval 64f The user specified spacing interval.
SpacingInterval.min 64f The spacing interval limit minimum.
SpacingInterval.max 64f The spacing interval limit maximum.
SpacingInterval.value 64f The current spacing interval used by the system.