Part Models

Part models represent models created using the part matching feature.

You can access a model in the active job using path notation. For example, to access a model called scan.mdl, use "_live.job/scan.mdl".

You can access part models in user-created job files in non-volatile storage, for example, "productionRun01.job/model1.mdl". You can only access part models in user-created job files using path notation.

See the following sections for the elements contained in a model.

Part models contain the following subcomponents. You can access the subcomponents using path notation, for example, "productionRun01.job/myModel.mdl/config.xml".

Part Model Child Elements




Configuration config.xml Model configuration XML. It is always present. (See Configuration.)
Edge Points edge-height-top Edge points for the top heightmap. (See Edge Points.)
Edge Points edge-height-bottom Edge points for the bottom heightmap.
Edge Points edge-intensity-top Edge points for the top intensity map.
Edge Points edge-intensity-bottom Edge points for the bottom intensity map.

The edge points file exists only when the model contains the source data for the edge points.

Edge Points

Edge Points Data





id 16s 0

Sender ID

-1 – Part matching

source 8s 2


0 – Model

1 – Target

imageType 8s 3

Image type

0 – Height map

1 – Intensity map

imageSource 8s 4

Image source

0 – Top

1 – Bottom

width 32u 5 Width of model space, in units of xScale
length 32u 9 Length of model space, un units of yScale
xScale 32u 13 X scale (nm)
yScale 32u 17 Y scale (nm)
xOffset 32s 21 X offset (µm)
yOffset 32s 25 Y offset µm
zAngle 32s 29 Z rotation (microdegrees)
pointCount 32u 33 Number of edge points
points[pointCount] (32u, 32u) 37 Edge points collection. Each point is a tuple of x and y values, in units of xScale and yScale, respectively.


Configuration Child Elements




@version 32u Major version (1).
@versionMinor 32u Minor version (0).
Edges Collection Collection of Edge items (described below).
EdgeSensitivity 64f Sensitivity recorded during model edges generation (read-only).
TransformedDataRegion Region3d Data region of the model.
ZAngle 64f Additional rotation applied to the model (degrees).
TargetEdgeSensitivity 64f Sensitivity used to generate target edges.
ImageType 32s

Selects type of image used to generate edges:

0 – Height map

1 – Intensity map

ImageType.options 32s (CSV) List of available image types.