Setup and Locations
Class Reference
The full GoSDK class reference is found by accessing the following file:
Examples showing how to perform various operations are provided, each one targeting a specific area. For Visual Studio, the examples can be found in solution files specific to different versions of Visual Studio. For example, GoSdk-2017.sln is for use with Visual Studio 2017. A make file for Linux systems is also provided.
To compile the examples in Visual Studio, you may be need to retarget the solution to the installed Windows SDK version. You can do this through the Retarget solution option in the solution context menu. |
To run the GoSDK examples, make sure the required DLLs are copied beside the executable. In most cases only GoSDK.dll and kApi.dll are required, but with .NET and the accelerator additional DLLs are needed. Please refer to the SDK samples to see which DLLs are required.
Example Project Environment Variable
All GoSDK example projects use the environment variable GO_SDK_4. The environment variable should point to the GO_SDK directory, for example, C:\14400-\GO_SDK.
Header Files
Header files are referenced with GoSdk as the source directory, for example: #include <GoSdk/GoSdk.h>. The SDK header files also reference files from the kApi directory.