Sensor Discovery Tool

If a sensor's network address or administrator password is forgotten, the sensor can be discovered on the network and/or restored to factory defaults by using the Sensor Discovery software tool. This tool can be obtained from the downloads area of the LMI Technologies website:

After downloading the utility package [], unzip the file and run the Sensor Discovery Tool [Tools > Discovery > kDiscovery.exe].

Any sensors that are discovered on the network will be displayed in the Devices list.

To change the network address of a sensor:

1. Select the Custom option.
2. Enter the new network address information.
3. Click Set Address.

To restore a sensor to factory defaults:

1. Select the sensor serial number in the Devices list.
2. Press the Factory Restore... button.

Confirm when prompted.

The Sensor Discovery tool uses UDP broadcast messages to reach sensors on different subnets. This enables the Sensor Discovery tool to locate and re-configure sensors even when the sensor IP address or subnet configuration is unknown.