Ethernet Output

A sensor uses TCP messages (Gocator protocol) to receive commands from client computers, and to send video, laser profile, intensity, and measurement results to client computers. The sensor can also receive commands from and send measurement results to a PLC using ASCII, Modbus TCP, PROFINET, or EtherNet/IP protocol.

See Protocols for the specification of these protocols.

The specific protocols used with Ethernet output are selected and configured within the panel.

The Gocator protocol is always on and its output is always available, regardless of the output you choose. This allows simultaneous connections via an SDK application and a PLC, letting you for example archive or display scan data on a PC while controlling equipment with a PLC.

To receive commands and send results using Gocator Protocol messages:

1. Go to the Output page.
2. Click on the Ethernet category in the Output panel.
3. Select Gocator as the protocol in the Protocol drop-down.
4. Check the video, profile, intensity, or measurement items to send.
5. (Optional) Uncheck the Auto Disconnect setting.

By default, this setting is checked, and the timeout is set to 10 seconds.

All of the tasks that can be accomplished with the Gocator's web interface (creating jobs, performing alignment, sending data and health information, and software triggering, etc.) can be accomplished programmatically by sending Gocator protocol control commands.

To receive commands and send results using Modbus TCP messages:

1. Go to the Output page.
2. Click on Ethernet in the Output panel.
3. Select Modbus as the protocol in the Protocol drop-down.

Unlike the Gocator Protocol, you do not select which measurement items to output. The Ethernet panel will list the register addresses that are used for Modbus TCP communication.

The Modbus TCP protocol can be used to operate a sensor. Modbus TCP only supports a subset of the tasks that can be performed in the web interface. A sensor can only process Modbus TCP commands when Modbus is selected in the Protocol drop-down.

4. Check the Buffering checkbox, if needed.

Buffering is needed, for example, in Surface mode if multiple objects are detected within a time frame shorter than the polling rate of the PLC.

If buffering is enabled with the Modbus protocol, the PLC must read the Advance register to advance the queue before reading the measurement results.

To receive commands and send results using EtherNet/IP messages:

1. Go to the Output page.
2. Click on Ethernet in the Output panel.
3. Select EtherNet/IP in the Protocol option.

Unlike using the Gocator Protocol, you don't select which measurement items to output. The Ethernet panel will list the register addresses that are used for EtherNet/IP messages communication.

The EtherNet/IP protocol can be used to operate a sensor. EtherNet/IP only supports a subset of the tasks that can be accomplished in the web interface. A sensor can only process EtherNet/IP commands when the EtherNet/IP is selected in the Protocol option.

4. Check the Explicit Message Buffering option, if needed.

Buffering is needed, for example, in Surface mode if multiple objects are detected within a time frame shorter than the polling rate of the PLC. If buffering is enabled with the EtherNet/IP protocol, the buffer is automatically advanced when the Sample State Assembly Object is read (Sample State Assembly).

5. Check the Implicit Messaging option, if needed.

Implicit messaging uses UDP and is faster than explicit messaging, so it is intended for time-critical applications. However, implicit messaging is layered on top of UDP. UDP is connectionless and data delivery is not guaranteed. For this reason, implicit messaging is only suitable for applications where occasional data loss is acceptable.

For more information on setting up implicit messaging, see

6. Choose the byte order in the Byte Order dropdown.
7. Click the Download EDS File button to download an EDS file for use with your IDE.

PROFINET is not supported on A and B revision Gocator 2100 and 2300 sensors.

The Gocator emulator and accelerator (software and GoMax) do not support the PROFINET protocol.

To receive commands and send results using PROFINET messages:

1. Go to the Output page.
2. Click on Ethernet in the Output panel.
3. Select PROFINET in the Protocol option.
4. Under Output Layout select Legacy alignment or 32-bit alignment.

Legacy alignment: The default layout mapping.

32-bit alignment: An alternate, 32-bit layout mapping.

The different mappings are reflected in the Map pane to the right in the Output panel.

5. Click the Download GSD File button to download a GSD file for use with your IDE.


To receive commands and send results using ASCII messages:

1. Go to the Output page.
2. Click on Ethernet in the Output panel.
3. Select ASCII as the protocol in the Protocol drop-down.
4. Set the operation mode in the Operation drop-down.

In asynchronous mode, the data results are transmitted when they are available. In polling mode, users send commands on the data channel to request the latest result. See Polling Operation Commands (Ethernet Only) for an explanation of the operation modes.

5. Select the data format from the Data Format drop-down.

Standard: The default result format of the ASCII protocol. Select the measurement to send by placing a check in the corresponding checkbox. See Standard Result Format for an explanation of the standard result mode.

Standard with Stamp: Select the measurement to send by placing a check in the corresponding checkbox. See Standard Result Format for an explanation of the standard result mode.

Custom: Enables the custom format editor. Use the replacement patterns listed in Replacement Patterns to create a custom format in the editor. C language printf-style formatting is also supported: for example, %sprintf[%09d, %value[0]]. This allows fixed length formatting for easier input parsing in PLC and robot controller logic.

6. Set the special characters in the Special Characters tab.

Set the command delimiter, delimiter termination, and invalid value characters. Special characters are used in commands and standard-format data results.

7. Set the TCP ports in the Ports tab.

Select the TCP ports for the control, data, and health channels. If the port numbers of two channels are the same, the messages for both channels are transmitted on the same port.