Edge Filtering

Part scans sometimes contain noise around the edges of the target. This noise is usually caused by the sensor’s light being reflected off almost vertical sides, rounded corners, etc. Edge filtering helps reduce edge noise in order to produce more accurate and repeatable volume and area measurements, as well as to improve positioning of relative measurement regions. Optionally, the Preserve Interior Feature setting can be used to limit filtering to the outside edges of the target.

Edge Filtering disabled (scan shows reflection noise)

Edge Filtering enabled (reflection noise eliminated or reduced)

Edge Filtering enabled, Preserve Interior Feature enabled

To configure edge filtering:

1. Go to the Scan page and choose Surface in the Scan Mode panel.

If this mode is not selected, you will not be able to configure part detection.

2. Expand the Part Detection panel by clicking on the panel header or the button and enable part detection if necessary.

Part detection can be enabled and disabled when Type in the Surface Generation panel is set to Fixed Length, Variable Length, or Rotational. Part detection is automatically enabled when Type is set to Continuous.

3. Check the Edge Filtering checkbox to enable edge filtering.
4. Configure the Width and Length settings.

The Width and Length settings represent the size of the filter on the X axis and the Y axis, respectively.

5. Set the Preserve Interior Feature setting if necessary.

The Preserve Interior Feature setting limits filtering to the outside edges of the target.