Hardware and Firmware Capabilities

The following table lists the overall hardware and firmware capabilities of the different hardware versions of line profile sensors.


Enhanced processor1

Enhanced sensitivity2

Runs firmware 2.0 to 3.6

Runs firmware 4.0 to 4.5 SR1

Runs firmware 4.5 SR1 to latest3 New tools and PROFINET in firmware 5.1 and later Runs firmware and later
2000     X        
2100 & 2300 A/B     X X X    
2100 & 2300 C X       X X  
2100 & 2300 D X X     X X  
2400 A X X     X X  
2500 A X X       X  
2600 A X X         X
  1. More powerful sensor controller, allowing Gocator-based solutions to run faster than before, at a lower overall temperature.
  2. Twice the sensitivity of previous generations and effectively lower laser classifications (from 3B to 3R in some cases, and from 3R to 2 in many cases). This lets you scan darker targets at higher speeds without the safety considerations of class 3B lasers.
  3. The A and B versions of Gocator 2100 and 2300 sensors can run the latest versions of firmware, but they do not support the new tools and PROFINET output protocol available in these versions. You can however use these features if you accelerate the sensors using GoMax or the PC-based Gocator accelerator. For more information on the accelerator, see Gocator Acceleration. For a complete list of tools not available on non-accelerated A revision sensors, see below.

The following tools are not available on non-accelerated revision A Gocator 2100 or 2300 sensors:

Profile Advanced Height Surface Filter
Profile Circle Radii Surface Flatness
Profile Closed Area Surface Mask
Profile Edge Surface OCR
Profile Line Advanced Surface Section
Profile Template Matching Surface Segmentation
Surface Arithmetic Surface Stitch
Surface Ball Bar Surface Track
Surface Barcode Surface Transform
Surface Circular Edge Surface Vibration Correction
Surface Curvature Feature Create
Surface Direction Filter Feature Robot Pose
Surface Extend