Tools Panel

The Tools panel lets you add, configure, and manage measurement tools. Tools contain related measurements. For example, the Dimension tool provides Height, Width, and other measurements.

You can also add and remove tools, and connect tool and sensor ouputs to tool inputs from within the Tools Diagram panel. The Tools Diagram panel helps make working with complex applications much more easy, but you configure a tool's main parameters from within the Tools panel. For more information on the Tools Diagram panel, see Working with the Tools Diagram.

Some settings apply to tools, and therefore to all measurements; these settings are found in the Parameters tab below the list of tools. Other settings apply to specific measurements, and are found in a Parameters tab below the list of measurements; not all measurements have parameters.

See Profile Measurement and Surface Measurement for information on the measurement tools and their settings.

Tool names in the user interface include the scan mode, but not in the manual. So for example, you will see "Profile Area" or "Surface Bounding Box" in the user interface, but simply "Area" or "Bounding Box" in the manual.