Job File Structure

The following sections describe the structure of job files.

Job files, which are stored in a sensor's internal storage, control system behavior when a sensor is running. Job files contain the settings and potentially the transformations and models associated with the job (if Alignment Reference is set to Dynamic).

There are two kinds of job files:

Job File Components

A job file contains components that can be loaded and saved as independent files. The following table lists the components of a job file:

Job File Components






The job's configurations. This component is always present. For more information, see Configuration.



Transformation values. Present only if Alignment Reference is set to Dynamic. For more information, see Transform.

Part model


One or more part model files. Part models are created using models and part matching. For more information, see Part Models.

Elements in the components contain three types of values: settings, constraints, and properties. Settings are input values that can be edited. Constraints are read-only limits that define the valid values for settings. Properties are read-only values that provide supplemental information related to sensor setup.

When a job file is received from a sensor, it will contain settings, constraints, and properties. When a job file is sent to a sensor, any constraints or properties in the file will be ignored.

Changing the value of a setting can affect multiple constraints and properties. After you upload a job file, you can download the job file again to access the updated values of the constraints and properties.

Accessing Files and Components

Job file components can be accessed individually as XML files using path notation. For example, the configurations in a user-created job file called productionRun01.job can be read by passing “productionRun01.job/config.xml” to the Read File command. In the same way, the configurations in the active job could be read using "_live.job/config.xml".

If Alignment Reference is set to Fixed, the active job file (_live.job) will not contain transformations. To access transformations in this case, you must access them via _live.tfm.

The following sections correspond to the XML structure used in job file components.