Control Commands

A client sends control commands for most operations over the Control TCP channel (port 3190).

The Control channel and the Upgrade channel (port 3192) can be connected simultaneously. For more information on Upgrade commands, see Upgrade Commands.


A sensor system can be in one of three states: Conflict, Ready, or Running. The client sends the Start and Stop control commands to change the system's current state to Running and Ready, respectively. The sensor can also be configured to boot in either the Ready or Running state, by enabling or disabling autostart, respectively, using the Set Auto Start Enabled command.

In the Ready state, a sensor can be configured. In the Running state, a sensor responds to input signals, performs measurements, drives its outputs, and sends data messages to the client.

The state of the sensor can be retrieved using the Get States or Get System Info command.

The Conflict state indicates that a sensor has been configured with a Buddy sensor but the Buddy sensor is not present on the network. The sensor will not accept some commands until the Set Buddy command is used to remove the configured Buddy.

Progressive Reply

Some commands send replies progressively, as multiple messages. This allows the sensor to stream data without buffering it first, and allows the client to obtain progress information on the stream.

A progressive reply begins with an initial, standard reply message. If the status field of the reply indicates success, the reply is followed by a series of “continue” reply messages.

A continue reply message contains a block of data of variable size, as well as status and progress information. The series of continue messages is ended by either an error, or a continue message containing 0 bytes of data.