Part Matching

The sensor can match scanned parts to the edges of a model based on a previously scanned part (see Using Edge Detection) or to the dimensions of a fitted bounding box or ellipse that encapsulate the model (see Using Bounding Box and Ellipse). When parts match, the sensor can rotate scans so that they are all oriented in the same way. This allows measurement tools to be applied consistently to parts, regardless of the orientation of the part you are trying to match.

When the match quality between a model and a part reaches a minimum value (a percentage), or the bounding box or ellipse that encapsulates the part is between minimum and maximum dimension values, the part is "accepted" and any measurements that are added in the Measure page will return valid values, as long as the target is in range, etc. If the part is "rejected," any measurements added in the Measure page will return an Invalid value. For more information on measurements and decision values, Measurement and Processing.