Bounding Box

The Bounding Box tool provides measurements related to the smallest box that contains the profile (for example, X position, Z position, width, etc.).

The bounding box provides the absolute position from which the Position centroids tools are referenced.

When you use measurement tools on parts or sections, the coordinates returned are relative to the part or section. You can use the values returned by the Bounding Box tool's "Global" (see below) measurements as an offset in a Gocator script to convert the positional (X, Y, or Z) measurements of other measurement tools to sensor or system coordinates (depending on whether the sensor is aligned). For more information on Gocator scripts, see Scripts.

Measurement Panel

For information on adding, managing, and removing tools and measurements, as well as detailed descriptions of settings common to most tools, see Tools Panel.

Measurements, Features, and Settings

Measurement Illustration


Determines the X position of the center of the bounding box that contains the profile.

The value returned is relative to the profile.



Determines the Z position of the center of the bounding box that contains the profile.

The value returned is relative to the profile.


Determines the width of the bounding box that contains the profile. The width reports the dimension of the box in the direction of the minor axis.


Determines the height (thickness) of the bounding box that contains the profile.

Global X*

Determines the X position of the center of the bounding box that contains the profile relative to the surface from which the profile is extracted.

Global Y*

Determines the Y position of the center of the bounding box that contains the profile relative to the surface from which the profile is extracted.

Global Angle*

Determines the angle around Z of the section used to create the profile, relative to the surface from which it is extracted, where a line parallel to the X axis is 0 degrees.

Angles of sections pointing to the bottom of the data viewer are positive.

Angles of sections pointing to the top of the data viewer are negative.

*The Global X, Global Y, and Global Angle measurements are intended to be used with profiles extracted from a surface using a section.

When used with profiles not generated from a section, the Global X measurement returns the same value as the X measurement, and the Global Y and Global Angle measurements return 0.000.

Type Description
Center Point

The center point of the bounding box.

Corner Point

The lower left corner of the bounding box.

For more information on geometric features, see Geometric Features.

Parameter Description


The sensor, or combination of sensors, that provides data for the tool's measurements. For more information, see Source.


The data that the tool will apply measurements to.

This setting is only displayed when data from another tool is available as input for this tool.


The region to which the tool's measurements will apply. For more information, see Regions.


The filters that are applied to measurement values before they are output. For more information, see Filters.


The Max and Min settings define the range that determines whether the measurement tool sends a pass or fail decision to the output. For more information, see Decisions.

Anchor Description

X or Z

Lets you choose the X or Z measurement of another tool to use as a positional anchor for this tool.

A measurement must be enabled in the other tool for it to be available as an anchor. The anchor measurement should also be properly configured before using it as an anchor.

For more information on anchoring, see Measurement Anchoring.