Surface Generation

The sensor can generate a surface by combining a series of profiles gathered along the direction of travel.

The sensor uses different methods to generate the data, depending on the needs of the application. Data generation is configured in the Surface Generation panel on the Scan page.

The types in the table below correspond to the Type setting in the panel.

When Type is set to Continuous, part detection is automatically enabled. When Type is set to any of the other settings, part detection can be enabled and disabled in the Part Detection panel. For descriptions of the settings that control part detection logic, Part Detection.

Continuous: The sensor continuously generates surfaces of parts that are detected under the sensor. This type is typically used when the transport system continuously feeds material or parts under a sensor. The materials have a distinguishable start and stop edge.

Fixed Length: The sensor generates surfaces of a fixed length (in mm) using the value in the Length setting. Like Continuous mode, Fixed Length mode is used when material or parts continuously pass under the sensor. Unlike Continuous mode, parts/material do not have distinguishable start and stop edge.

For correct length measurement, you should ensure that motion is calibrated (that is, encoder resolution for encoder triggers or travel speed time triggers).

The following types of start triggers are available under Start Trigger:

  • Sequential: Continuously generates back-to-back fixed length surfaces.
  • External Input: A pulse on the digital input triggers the generation of a single surface of fixed length.
  • Software: Allows starting fixed length surfaces on command from PLC or PC.

For more information on connecting external input to a sensor, see Digital Input.

You can optionally enable part detection to process the surface after it has been generated, but the generation itself does not depend on the detection logic. To do this, check Enabled in the Part Detection panel.

Variable Length: The sensor generates surfaces of variable length. Profiles collected while the external digital input is held high are combined to form a surface. If the value of the Max Length setting is reached while external input is still high, the next surface starts immediately with the next profile. This mode is typically used in robot-mounted applications, for example, measuring different parts on an engine block.

For correct length measurement, you should ensure that motion is calibrated (i.e., encoder resolution for encoder triggers or travel speed for time triggers).

For more information on connecting external input to a sensor, see Digital Input.

You can optionally enable part detection to process the surface after it has been generated, but the generation itself does not depend on the detection logic. To do this, check Enabled in the Part Detection panel.

Rotational: The sensor reorders profiles within a surface to be aligned with the encoder’s index pulse. That is, regardless of the radial position the sensor is started at, the generated surface always starts at the position of the index pulse. If the index pulse is not detected and the rotation circumference is met, the surface is dropped and the Encoder Index Drop indicator will be incremented. This mode is typically used in applications where measurements of circular objects or shafts need to be taken, such as tire tread inspection, or label positioning on bottles.

To scan exactly one revolution of a circular target without knowing the circumference, manually set the encoder resolution to 1, the encoder trigger spacing to (number of encoder ticks per revolution) / (number of desired profiles per revolution), and Encoder Resolution in the Surface Generation panel to the number of encoder ticks per revolution.

You can optionally enable part detection to process the surface after it has been generated, but the generation itself does not depend on the detection logic. To do this, check Enabled in the Part Detection panel.

To configure surface generation:

1. Go to the Scan page and choose Surface in the Scan Mode panel.

If this mode is not selected, you will not be able to configure surface generation.

2. Expand the Surface Generation panel by clicking on the panel header or the button.
3. Choose an option from the Type drop-down and any additional settings.

See the types and their settings described above.