
The Feature Intersect tool returns the intersection of a line or plane geometric features and a second line or plane geometric feature. For line-line intersections, the lines are projected onto the Z = reference Z line plane for features extracted from a surface, and the intersection of the lines projected onto the Y = 0 plane for features extracted from a profile. The angle measurement between the two lines is also returned. The lines the tool takes as input are generated by other tools, such as Surface Edge or Surface Ellipse.

The Feature Intersect tool saves you from having to write complicated calculations in script tools to find intersect point between lines. Previously, calculating the intercept point of two lines was difficult and prone to bugs, involving finding lines in indirect ways.

The Feature Intersect tool's positional measurements are particularly useful as anchor sources. For example, you can easily find a corner point on a part from two edges (produced by two Surface Edge tools) and using the X and Y positions as anchor sources.

When you use these positional anchors in combination with a Z Angle anchor from tools such as Surface Edge, you can achieve extremely robust, repeatable measurements.

This tool's Angle measurement cannot be used as an angle anchor source. Only Z Angle measurements can be used as angle anchor sources.

For more information on anchoring, see Measurement Anchoring.

The Feature Intersect tool can also generate a point geometric feature representing the point of intersection of the lines that the Feature Dimension tool can use in measurements.

The sensor compares the measurement value with the values in Min and Max to yield a decision. For more information on decisions, see Decisions.

See Adding and Configuring a Measurement Tool for instructions on how to add measurement tools.

2D View

3D View

Measurement Panel

Measurement Illustration


Line-Line: The X position of the intersect point between the lines.

Line-Plane: The X position of the intersect point between the line and the plane.

Plane-Plane: The X position of the center of the line intersecting the planes.


Line-Line: The Y position of the intersect point between the lines.

Line-Plane: The Y position of the intersect point between the line and the plane.

Plane-Plane: The Y position of the center of the line intersecting the planes.


Line-Line: The Z position of the intersect point between the lines.

Line-Plane: The Z position of the intersect point between the line and the plane.

Plane-Plane: The Z position of the center of the line intersecting the planes.


Line-Line: The angle between the lines, as measured from the line selected in Reference Feature to the line selected in Line.

Line-Plane:The angle between the line and the perpendicular projection of the line onto the plane, as measured from the plane geometric feature selected in Reference Feature to the line selected in Line.

Plane-Plane:The angle between the two planes, as measured from the plane geometric features selected in Feature 1 and Feature 2.

For line-line and line-plane angle measurements, the Angle Range setting determines how angles are expressed. (The setting does nothing with plane-plane angle measurements.)

In the following image, the angle is measured between two planes (the small angled surfaces facing each other in the center of the image).

Type Description

Intersect Point

The intersect point of the two features.

Parameter Description


The data that the tool will apply measurements to.

This setting is only displayed when data from another tool is available as input for this tool.

If you switch from one type of data to another (for example, from section profile data to surface data), currently set input features will become invalid, and you will need to choose features of the correct data type.

Feature 1

A line or plane geometric feature generated by another tool.

Feature 2

A line or plane geometric feature generated by another tool. For the Angle measurement, the angle is measured from this feature.

Angle Range

(Angle measurement only; does nothing with plane-plane measurements)

Determines the angle range.


The filters that are applied to measurement values before they are output. For more information, see Filters.


The Max and Min settings define the range that determines whether the measurement tool sends a pass or fail decision to the output. For more information, see Decisions.